Creation of the Month!

Have you previously bought something from a reclamation yard and given it a new lease of life? Or have you created something you’re proud of that’s worth sharing?

If so, we want to see it! Whether it’s a wooden bench, a garden path or something more unique, we’d love to see what you’ve created.

Send us your best creation made from reclaimed items for the chance to be featured on our brand new ‘Salvage Ideas’ section of our website and social media pages.

To enter our ‘Creation of the Month’ competition head to our Facebook Page: @DortonReClaimedAndReCycled and comment on our post at the top of the page, sending us a picture of your creation with a short description of the products you used. We will announce a winner at the start of each month.

Good luck to everyone who enters, we can’t wait to see your creations!